Connection test

This test allows you to determine if you have a good internet connection between you and the Paltalk servers.

select 'setup preferences' from the 'file' menu on the main pal list window

select 'connection test' on the left pane of the setup and preferences window

This is a standard 'ping' test and all you need to do is enter a destination URL into the 'host' box and press the 'Start Test' button. Results will be displayed when the test is done.

Cable modem and DSL users should expect to see a range  of 30 to 120 milliseconds. Dialup modem users will see a range of 120 to 250 milliseconds.

Ping rates above 450 will degrade sound and create the appearance of sluggish response when using Paltalk.

'Out of order packets' can create garbled or repeating sound.

'Data loss' will result in breakup of sound and / or unexpected  loss of connection to the Paltalk servers.

Finally we rate your connection for you in an effort to give the inexperienced user a fair assessment of performance with their current connection.

A poor rating is undesirable.  Try a different connection if one is available.

note:  if our 'ping host' is unavailable, you can enter any web site address into the 'host' box instead